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“The vast majority of our weight challenges
are hormonal Imbalance"

         Because what had started as a little weight gain…Was now me fluctuating between 30lbs and 50lbs overweight all the time…And not only did I no longer feel sexy…Or have any confidence in myself…But I was worried about the long-term effects of the weight on my health too. How she’d gotten bigger and rounder as she got older…Until she became pretty seriously overweight…And ended up having a fatal heart attack in her sixties…Yet by the time I hit my mid-thirties Things had gone from bad to worst…Because not only was I starting to gain more fat around my tummy and my thighs…Suddenly there was a lot of other weird stuff happening in my body too.I started experiencing these waves anxiety that would hit me out of nowhere…My energy felt ZAPPED all of the time…Plus my sleep was getting worse and worse:
          “The vast majority of our weight challenges are hormonal…And they almost always come down to 5 Hormonal Blocks”…That’s what he said…And he told me that these 5 Hormonal blocks can all happen in our body simultaneously…Resulting in a sluggish metabolism…Cells that are pumped full of fat…And brains, moods, and emotions entirely out of whack. Then Dr. Wood proceeded to share what these 5 Hormonal Blocks Are…And I’m going to share them with you right now too…So make sure you pay close attention…Because this is going to remove so much confusion from your life…And it will finally make sense why you haven’t been able to lose your excess weight.

5 Hormonal Blocks are Solved Check It

The Most Important Thing That's Probably Missing From Your Backyard

           You’re probably familiar with how this aromatic plant can keep moths from dining on your winter wardrobe. But if you use it medicinally, it can offer so much more! A recent double-blind study concluded that lavender oil cuts down anxiety to the same extent as taking a 0.5 mg daily dose of Lorazepam, a popular anxiety drug.

           A lavender tincture used alongside a regular antidepressant can help you recover from mild to moderate depression a lot faster and lower the chance for a relapse. And if you just rub a few drops of lavender oil on your scalp every day, it will improve blood flow, strengthen hair follicles, and even help with lost hair. That and the divine scent it has is why I like to mix it with my shampoo.                    
A Complete Natural Pharmacy in Your Backyard